This website is still a work in progress. As such, some elements of the site may be incomplete or not even present at all. This page is also best viewed on a 1920x1080px (1080p) screen.

Welcome to the TweetytheBird92 Website!

From left to right: Markus the Mouse, Cindy the Cat, Puffy and Pat the Puffles, Tweety the Bird, Fiona the Fly, Andy the Axolotl, Cloudy the Cloud, Daisy the Axolotl, and Crothic the Crow.

Hello there. I'm TweetytheBird92, and I'm an autistic Welsh male. I made this website to connect my creations!

My creations


Luckode is a free-to-use Scratch 1.4 modification, adding over 1000 pieces of media (sounds, costumes, and backdrops), over 200 Sample Projects, 200 blocks, and MORE from Scratch 1.4!

Download the most recent version(s) here, or download themes for Luckode and wallpapers for your computer!

Tweety's Extravagant Adventure

Tweety's Extravagant Adventure is a platformer developed and created by me - where you run, jump, and go into holes, trying to stop the evil Merlin the Wizard.

Play Tweety's Extravagant Adventure online on Newgrounds!

Nancy: Reloaded

Nancy: Reloaded is a Super Mario Maker 2 comic series created by me, involving Nancy the Mouse, her daughters, and her friends, as she tries to stop the evil clutches of Chio the Mouse.

View the webpage for it here!


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